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What Makes Folding Knives a Popular Choice?

What Makes Folding Knives a Popular Choice?

Folding knives are *old*. Designers’ alterations have added countless innovations to folders over the years, including everything from thumb studs and various kinds of locking mechanisms to exotic fabrication materials and unique blade styles such as tantos, miniature cleavers, and super-stubby lengths. Still, the basic idea has remained the same, and folding knives have always […]

various things that you can use a folding knife for in, around, and outside of your house.

Folding Knife Traditions and Etiquette

The Folding Pocket Knife and it’s Uses We here at TacKnives like to discuss the antiquity of knives, how they have existed for millennia, proliferated across cultures and societies, and have varied greatly in design and intended use. During a particular time in one corner of the globe, you might find foldable work knives that […]

various things that you can use a folding knife for in, around, and outside of your house.

Things You Can Use a Folding Knife for Around the House

“What in the world do you want that for?” Perhaps a well-meaning friend or slightly nosy relation has asked you that question about the brand-new folding pocket knife you just purchased. Perhaps they don’t understand the mystique of Damascus steel or the ease of use of a textured Zytel handle or the robustness of a […]

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