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TacKnives Now Carries Remette

Remette Zodiac Blue Flame

Founded in 2014, the TacKnives brand began with a commitment to offer 1) high-quality OTFs; that were 2) designed for everyday use; and that 3) could be had at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, when our business was still in its early stages, we struggled to find manufacturers who could meet all three criteria. Plenty of knife makers offered excellent products, but they were outrageously expensive or too specialized for most tasks. Similarly, lots of manufacturers sold inexpensive blades, and these too often proved shoddy and tended to underperform in ordinary scenarios.

To achieve our stated goals, we started making knives ourselves, ensuring that we sourced excellent materials from reliable producers. We also designed and assembled every knife in-house, working in small batches so that only the highest quality blades made it to our customers. Over time, we have begun to discover that other manufacturers share our commitment to offering only high-quality knives with reasonable price tags, and we have started to judiciously provide their products. Our newest such partnership is with the independent knife designer and producer Remette.

This article will explain who exactly Remette is, what distinguishes their knives from others, and what you can expect to get in a Remette blade.

Who Is Remette?

Just like us, Remette is dedicated to creating folding knives that are suitable as daily drivers, appropriate for backwoods use, and intended to catch the eye of everyone who sees them. Indeed, Remette has quite the knife-manufacturing pedigree. For one thing, it’s based in Yangjiang prefecture, a section of southern China renowned for its manufacturing — specifically its manufacturing of blades. Some have dubbed Yangjiang the “Capital of Knives and Scissors,” and officials claim that anywhere from 60 to 70 percent of all knives made in China hail from the area. Approximately 1,500 different companies call Yangjiang home, including Remette.

What Sets Remette Apart?

If so many different knife manufacturers call Yangjiang home, what sets Remette apart from the rest? What defining characteristics make the company unique?

Well, for one thing, most knife makers in the Middle Kingdom focus on the culinary market, producing cutlery intended for use in both commercial and residential kitchens. As you can imagine, this has been an incredibly saturated market, and most competition has centered around price rather than quality. Additionally, many Yangjiang manufacturers have tried to compete with Japanese knife makers, creating confusion among the consumer base.

Remette has wisely avoided both potential pitfalls. To start with, the company currently provides only pocket knives ranging in size when folded between four and five inches — just the sorts of knives intended for maximal effectiveness across all sorts of tasks. Need a blade with which to open boxes or break down cardboard? Would you like to while away the hours with a little whittling? Do you have an upcoming camping trip that necessitates a new knife? Remette has you covered.

While Remette’s offerings certainly fall in the EDC category, don’t make the mistake of thinking they’re ordinary. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Remette’s original designs run the gamut when it comes to knife shape, handle material, locking mechanism, opening mechanism, steel type, blade coating, and more. The company also thoroughly describes the materials, dimensions, components, and available options for all of their knives. (That last point includes things such as included tools, various colors, and different operating variables.)

For Remette, innovation isn’t restricted solely to function. Striking appearances remain essential for the brand. Some people want a muted look in an everyday carry implement, a somber-but-sleek appearance that doesn’t call attention to itself while still inviting comment from those attentive enough to notice its excellence. Others enjoy a bold, flashy design that catches the eye and doesn’t quite directly compare to anything else. No matter one’s preferences, you can find pleasing aesthetics in Remette’s lineup.

Finally, Remette’s knives carry pocketbook-friendly pricing across all of the company’s product line. Its entry-level options can be had at surprisingly low costs, and even its more luxurious options come in at a lower price point. With a focus on practicality, high-quality materials, customer communication, and pleasing aesthetics at low prices, no wonder Remette has experienced success — and no wonder that we here at TacKnives have wanted to partner with them.

What Can You Expect in a Remette Knife?

Though we’ve explained some of the generalities of what you can look forward to with a Remette knife, you may be curious about specifics. Just what can you expect when you purchase a Remette knife from TacKnives? Allow us to provide more information, starting with the …

Remette Kingfisher. Available with a matte-black titanium handle or a blue flame-patterned handle, the Remette Kingfisher also comes with a traditional, hand-ground M390 blade or a blade covered with a dark, non-reflective coating. Less than five inches when folded and eight when opened, the Kingfisher has a thumb stud to facilitate one-handed opening and a frame lock that secures the blade.

Remette Chameleon. This slightly shorter specimen features a thumb stud combined with an axis lock for easy and secure operation. One option includes a luminescent blue handle and a sandblasted blade, while the other features a blue-flame panel inset into a black handle. Ceramic ball bearings ensure an enduring smooth opening.

Remette Wild Species. Sleek and stylish, the Wild Species boasts a monochrome finish with a titanium handle and pocket clip, as well as hand-ground, drop-point M390 blade with a satin finish. It’s lightweight, rust-resistant, and features a quick release brake. Another option includes a cobalt-blue oil-slick-patterned titanium handle.

Remette Rhino. This tactical knife combines functionality with a practical price point. A thumb-flipping blade available with either an olive-drab or black G-10 handle, the Rhino has a matte coated blade of D2 steel, ensuring strength and endurance. At three inches long, it’s appropriate for all EDC tasks.

Click here to browse our entire collection of Remette knives!

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